2025 Conference

16th April 2025, 8:00am start

Claudelands Events Centre
Gate 4 Brooklyn Road
Claudelands, Hamilton 3214
New Zealand

Member ticket: $299 plus GST
Non-member ticket: $399 plus GST

Join us for the TRMA Conference 2025, a powerful one-day event designed to inspire, connect, and drive meaningful change in Health and Safety.

Experience thought-provoking speakers, valuable networking opportunities, and practical insights that will empower you to integrate Māori values into workplace safety and well-being.

Let’s create a safer, more inclusive Aotearoa – together.


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Speaker bios are regularly updated. More speaker profiles will be added soon – check back for updates.

Pene Wahanui Hemi

Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Wetekia te Maunga
Ko Raukawa te Moana
Ko Whakatu te Marae
Ko Ngati koata te Iwi

Pene is a father of four and papa to three and says that one of his greatest successes, is that his wife of over 34 years still loves him.

Pene has a background in design, marketing, construction and project management, to name a few and over 30 years experience in managing local, national and international events such as the pasifika living arts festival held in Waitākere, the Auckland Easter Show, the Waka AMA national and world championships as well as the church college of New Zealand 50th reunion, a community build your own trolley derby and touring the country playing basketball in schools while promoting messages to kids such as being smoke free and don’t drink and drive.

He has lead the health and safety team for Tainui Group Holdings for over 8 years and has been a trustee on TRMA since the very beginning. With a lifetime of experience in various industries and roles, he has developed a strong background in the health and safety space that reaches far beyond the four walls of his office. He has used his experience to drive his passion of creating health and safety programs for organisations and/or communities who need the guidance, knowledge and/or access to resources.

Pene is passionate about helping people, building relationships, having fun and finding ways to simplify health and safety that encourages people to be more aware. He is looking forward to being your MC for the third annual conference.

Hon Tama Potaka

Tama Potaka is from Mōkai Pātea, Whanganui, Taranaki, and surrounding Iwi of Te Tai Hauāuru and Te Kāhui Maunga. 

He is he Minister for Māori Development, Minister for Whānau Ora, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, and Associate Minister of Housing (Social Housing). He is the MP for Hamilton West.

Prior to entering politics in the 2022 Hamilton West byelection, Tama was the chief executive of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki.

He has been a senior advisor to the NZ Super Fund and served as general manager at Tainui Group Holdings in Hamilton.  He is married to Ariana and thy have three tamariki (Tiaria, Te Awarua and Aorangi).

Tama has a Bachelor of Arts (Māori Studies, Political Science) and a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) from Victoria University and a Master of Laws from Columbia University.

Tukoroirangi Morgan

Tukoroirangi (Tuku) Morgan (Ngaati Makirangi, Ngaati Mahuta, Ngaati Maahanga) is the current Chair of Waikato Tainui’s executive arm, Te Arataura. He is a former Member of Parliament and had an extensive career in broadcasting. 

Tuku previously served on the Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) Board from 2015 to 2017 and again from 2021 to 2024. Tuku is the current Chair of Pou Taiao, responsible for leading Energy, Freshwater and broader Environmental matters on behalf of the National Iwi Chairs Forum. 

Tuku also maintains interests in several business organisations and is actively involved with his marae and wider community.

Renee Graham

Renee’s current role is the Head of Injury Prevention at ACC where supporting wellbeing and preventing the incidence and reinjury of harm is a key objective. 

Prior to this, Renee’s roles have included heading up the Social Wellbeing Agency, the Secretary for Women and Chief Executive, Ministry for Women and she has held senior Policy roles at the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Development. Motivated by a sense of service, Renee began her public service career as a front-line Case Manager at Work and Income. 

Renee is of Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Ngāti Raukawa descent.

Gerard Jull, Trustee (Ngā Puhi/ Te Rarawa)

Anei Toku pepeha mai I te taha o toku whaea, Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua me Kurahaupo ōku waka, Ko Te Ramaroa me Hinerake ōku maunga, Ko Whirinaki me Rotokakahi ōku awa, Ko Ngā Puhi me Te Rarawa ōku iwi, Ko Te Hikutu me Te Uri o Tai ōku Hapu, Ko Pa Te Aroha me Ohaki o Pawarenga ōku marae, Ko Kupe te tupuna, Ko Gerard Jull tōku ingoa

I currently work for Waiotahi Contractors Limited in the Bay of Plenty as the Senior Health and Safety Advisor. I have over 10 years of experience in Health and Safety working in managing events, agriculture, horticulture, civil construction, quarrying, transport, and the meat industry.

I am passionate about Health and Safety and am working hard to ensure this whakatauki is enacted.

“Me hoki ora pai koutou ki o koutou kainga ia ra”
“Every person to go home healthy and safe every day,”

Jodhi Warwick-Ponga, Trustee (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Tākitimu taku waka, ko Aorangi taku maunga, ko Ruamahanga taku awa, ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa taku iwi, ko Ngāti Hinewaka taku hapū, ko Tuhirangi taku marae, ko Piripi Te Maari tōku tūpuna.

Jodhi is a dedicated, energetic and innovative Senior Manager who has significant experience in the private and voluntary sectors. An enthusiastic and flexible individual with a passion for people development combined with the ability to adapt easily. Can build and develop strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation and within the community.

A dedicated individual, recognised as a respected team player who brings a positive energy and a positive attitude both personally and professionally.

Moira Loach, Trustee (Ngāti Awa)

Ko Putauaki toku maunga, Ko Rangitaiki toko awa, Ko Mātaatua toku waka, Ko Ngati Awa toku iwi, Ko Ngai Tamawera toku hapu, Ko Uiraroa toku marae​, Ko Moira Loach taku ingoa.​

Moira is the Health and Safety Adviser at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Moira has been in the health and safety sector for 11 years including in Australian coal mines and as a WorkSafe NZ Senior Inspector.

Moira’s work has included advising Maori Trusts, farming,  horticulture, construction and manufacturing businesses, schools and Marae.  ​

Nik Jessop

Ko Mākeo te maunga
Ko Waiaua te awa
Ko Omarumutu te marae
Ko Tutāmure te whare tipuna
Ko Hine-i-Kauia te wharekai
Ko Ngati Ruatakenga te hapū
Ko Whakatohea te Iwi
Ko Nik Jessop toku ingoa
No reira Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoa.

My wife and I are honoured to have raised our children amongst her people of Ngati Hine, I Nga Uri o Kawiti, Te Poho o Ngati Hine ki Waiomio. My deep connection to my Ngati Hinewhanau has fuelled my commitment to empowering our people to thrive, ensuring their safety and well-being in our communities.

Having witnessed the disproportionate challenges faced by Māori workers in high-risk sectors, I am driven by the devastating impact of workplace fatalities on families, communities, and industries. This experience has ignited a profound sense of purpose within me. I am dedicated to fostering change through innovative, Tikanga Māori-based solutions that elevate the voices of our kaimahi. This mission is not merely a job; it is a calling from my tupuna.

At Haumaru O Aotearoa – Worksafe NZ, I strive to be a catalyst for this essential change. It is vital that we, as leaders in this space, engage our industries, kaimahi, whanau, hapū, and iwi in a collaborative journey. Through whakapapa and interconnectedness, we aim to ensure that everyone who goes to work returns safely to their whanau.

Dr Robert Joseph 

Associate Professor Robert Joseph Te Piringa Faculty of Law, University of Waikato Director, Māori & Indigenous Governance Centre.

Associate Professor Robert Joseph is a distinguished legal scholar and expert in Māori and Indigenous governance. Based at the University of Waikato’s Te Piringa Faculty of Law, he serves as the Director of the Māori & Indigenous Governance Centre, where his research and teaching focus on Indigenous law, governance, and Treaty of Waitangi issues.

With an extensive academic career, Dr. Joseph has held various roles at the University of Waikato, including Senior Lecturer and Founding Director of the Canada-New Zealand Studies Unit. His research contributions extend beyond academia, with significant roles as a licensed researcher for the Waitangi Tribunal and a Resource Management Act Hearing Commissioner.

Dr. Joseph holds a PhD, LLM, and LLB from the University of Waikato and has been admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. Was also a Fullbright Fellow at Harvard University in 2017 and is fluent in both English and Māori, he is dedicated to advancing Indigenous governance and legal frameworks both nationally and internationally.

Jacqui Forbes 

Jacqui (Ngā Ruahinerangi) has been a leader in the community resource recovery sector for many years. She is both one of the founders and Kaihautū Matua of the Para Kore Programme which operates with more than 600 different marae, kōhanga reo, kura and other rōpū throughout Aotearoa. 

Jacqui has experience working in community recycling, community enterprise and zero waste education. She has previously worked as a senior manager for Xtreme Zero Waste, an Enviroschools facilitator at the Waikato Regional Council, and as a kura kaupapa Māori and kōhanga reo kaiako.

Tāmati Stevens (Waikato, Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa)

Ko Maungatautari te maunga me te marae
Ko Waikato te awa me te iwi
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Korokii/Kahukura ngā hapū

Tāmati has over 20 years of experience as a diver catering for tangi. His passion for our people has seen his practice evolve from service of the whānau to a career-growing maara (gardens) in the moana. He is passionate about the well-being of whānau, using Whānau Ora concepts incorporated with teaching whānau the mōhioranga pertaining to maramataka and how those revolving cycles can highlight risks to the whakapapa of reef ecosystems.

Tāmati has well over 25 years of experience in the IT industry at the forefront of technical service administration, research and development, access control, perimeter security, managing large IT networks, architecture, consultancy, leadership, and management.

Tracey Hook-Ihaka

Mai i te kāhui maunga ki Tangaroa
Ko Ruapehu te maunga matua
Ko Whangaehu, Whanganui ōku awa
Ko Ngā Wairiki, Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi ōku iwi
Ko Kauangaroa, Ātene, Ōtoko ōku marae

Ko Tracey Hook tāku ingoa

A Fellow Chartered Accountant, Tracey has spent more than two decades working for kaupapa māori organisations. Currently Acting CFO at Tainui Group Holdings, her previous roles include CEO of Ngāti Awa Group Holdings, Executive Director of Finance for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and Acting Chief Financial Officer/Group Accountant for Tainui Group Holdings Limited.

Tracey is also the Chairā of her own iwi commercial board, Ng Wairiki Ngāti Apa Developments Limited and a member of the investment committee for Te Pūia Tāpapa – a $115 million fund owned by 28 māori entities. Prior board roles include Tupu Angitu Limited, NZFM Limited, Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust investment committee and Te Tumu Paeroa audit and risk committee.

Based in Waikato, Tracey’s happy place is in Whatawhata where she lives with her husband, three children, māmā, and three stepsons.


"Kia kotahi ai, kia ora ai, kia haumaru ai... he āhuru mōwai mōku..."

In September of 2024 we farewelled Kingi Tuheitia. During the lead up to his tangi speakers on the Marae said’

"Farewell to the king of kotahitanga," and

"No waka moves forward without all the paddles going in the same direction."

In August of 2024 at the Koroneihana Kingituheitia himself said;

"Let's keep pushing forward while we are currently facing a storm, there's no need to worry. In this storm we are strong. Together. The wind in our sails is kotahitanga, and with that we will reach our destination."

What is Kotahitanga?

Kotahitanga means unity and irrespective of your whakapapa (genealogy) and your mahi (work), kotahitanga is something we should all aspire to have with the people we surround ourselves with.

Kotahitanga means togetherness, and solidarity. It recognises the diversity of people and supports collective action and achieving unity when coming together.

Kotahitanga involves working together to be inclusive and unified. This includes collective action to support collective outcomes and purpose, and the acknowledgment of the strengths and contributions of all. 

To achieve a feeling and a sense of kotahitanga requires a lot of groundwork. A team won’t feel like they belong or gel as one straight away – this takes time, and strategies need to be applied/implemented.

When we consider introduction the Health and Safety at Work Act in 2016 it can be argued that while everyone has had the same goal of keeping everyone safe, the steps taken have not necessarily received the results we had hoped for.

In 2017 Māori were told that they were 44% more likely to be harmed at work and five years later it had grown to 55%.

Perhaps the issue is that we are wanting everyone to do the same thing, follow the same training, do the same training. But when we see the world differently we should recognise that we are not the same.

More importantly perhaps we have forgotten that we can still embrace our differences and recognise that while the final goal is the same, how we get there can be different and unique to gender, ethnicity, age and so on.

“Kotahi te kōhao o te ngira e kuhuna ai te miro mā, te miro pango, te miro whero”.

This translates to “there is but one eye of the needle, through which white, black and red cotton must pass”.

If our goal is to keep everyone safe, should embrace differences and welcome new ideas. But we must also remember that while we may be different, we should respect that although Maori have a different view, it’s not to protect Māori only, if anything it’s to ensure that as Kaitaikai (caretakers of New Zealand) we follow a path the protects everyone.

We invite you to the third annual Māori Health and Safety Conference and to learn something different, to strengthen your techniques, to improve your awareness, increase your connections and to rekindle your resolve. There is no other conference like it and we welcome you to be part of the Kotahitanga movement.

"Kia kotahi ai, kia ora ai, kia haumaru ai... he āhuru mōwai mōku...".

Let us unite, to rejuvenate, to recover within a sheltered haven...

Unite - come together with or for a purpose

Rejuvenate - reinvigorate something that needs a new face to an old kaupapa

Recover - to get back, to regain something that was lost

Conference Agenda

7:30 AMFlag RaisingNgaati Wairere
8:00 AMRegistrations startTRMA
9:00 AMMihi/WhakatauNgaati Wairere
9:20 AMWelcome/Interactive ActivityPene Wahanui Hemi
9:30 AMMinisterHon Tama Potaka
9:50 AMKotahitanga and the KiingitangaTuku Morgan
10:20 AMInteractive ActivityHinga & Lloyd Whiu
10:30 AMACCRenee Graham
11:00 AMTRMA UpdateGerard Jull & Jodhi Warwick-Ponga
11:30 AMTe Takenga MaiMoira Loach & Afele Paea
12:00 PMLunch
1:00 PMWorksafeNik Jessop & Jason Cook
1:20 PMMaramataka CalendarHarata Samuel
1:50 PMTe Tiriti o Waitangi and Health and SafetyDr Rob Josephs
2:20 PMInteractive ActivityHinga & Lloyd Whiu
2:30 PMWhat is Pare Kore?Jacqui Forbes
3:00 PMImproving wellbeing through the moanaTamati Stevens
3:40 PMThankyou / Manākitanga TaongaPene Wahanui Hemi
3:50 PMClosing RemarksTracey Hook-Ihaka
4:00 PMKarakia/Lower Flag/ Event CloseNgaati Wairere

Our Partners

Our Trustees

Wayne Kohi, Trustee Chairperson (Whakatōhea)

Ko Tarakeha te maunga, Ko Opepe te awa, Ko Opape te marae, Ko Ngai Tamahaua te hapū, Ko Whakatohea te Iwi Ka Wayne Kohi ahau. Kia tau te aroha noa o to tatau Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti ki o koutou wairua.

Wayne is married to Linda and together they have four tamariki and live in Tauranga. His Health and Safety experience extends 30 years in areas of management systems, machine safety, transport and asbestos.

He’s passionate about the Kaupapa to reduce the disproportionate injury stats of Maori in general and believes that Te Rōpu Marutau o Aotearoa can help to reduce these statistics by changing the way we measure and administer Health and Safety systems.

Encouraging whanaungatanga between Maori and Tangata Tiriti to unify our efforts plays a big role in the quality of our initiatives. Without this, restoration of trusting relationships will not be achieved.

Event Portfolio: TRMA Chairman  |  TRMA Introductions

Moira Loach, Trustee (Ngāti Awa)

Ko Putauaki toku maunga, Ko Rangitaiki toko awa, Ko Mātaatua toku waka, Ko Ngati Awa toku iwi, Ko Ngai Tamawera toku hapu, Ko Uiraroa toku marae​, Ko Moira Loach taku ingoa.​

Moira is the Health and Safety Adviser at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Moira has been in the health and safety sector for 11 years including in Australian coal mines and as a WorkSafe NZ Senior Inspector.

Moira’s work has included advising Maori Trusts, farming,  horticulture, construction and manufacturing businesses, schools and Marae.  ​

Event Portfolio: Te Takenga Mai

Mel Brown, Trustee (Ngāti Maniapoto)

Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Maniapoto te iwi, Ngāti Urunumia te Hapu, Kakepuku te Maunga, Pūniu te Awa, Ko Te kotahitanga rāua ko Mangarama ōku papakainga, Ko Mel taku ingoa.

Mel Brown has over 20yrs experience as an Official Assessor in the meat industry. He is also a frontline HSR for over 15 years and has been serving as the national H&S delegate for 5 years. He currently holds the position of Shift Supervisor for AsureQuality – Kaitiaki Kai. Mel is a respected and dedicated sector mangai (representative) who serves on both the State Sector and TRONTA committees for the PSA Union – Te Pukenga Here Tikanga Mahi.

Mel’s passion is to share his experience and enhance worker engagement and representation. In addition, he is an executive member of TRMA Te Rōpū Marutau Aotearoa (The Maori Health and Safety Association of NZ). Mel’s outstanding contributions to workplace health and safety were recognized when he was selected as a finalist in the HSR of the Year category at the New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Awards in 2019.

Event Portfolio: Kaitiaki Liaison  |  Support Personnel

Jodhi Warwick-Ponga, Trustee (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Tākitimu taku waka, ko Aorangi taku maunga, ko Ruamahanga taku awa, ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa taku iwi, ko Ngāti Hinewaka taku hapū, ko Tuhirangi taku marae, ko Piripi Te Maari tōku tūpuna.

Jodhi is a dedicated, energetic and innovative Senior Manager who has significant experience in the private and voluntary sectors. An enthusiastic and flexible individual with a passion for people development combined with the ability to adapt easily. Can build and develop strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation and within the community.

A dedicated individual, recognised as a respected team player who brings a positive energy and a positive attitude both personally and professionally.

Event Portfolio: Advertising-Marketing  |  Media Liaison

Gerard Jull, Trustee (Ngā Puhi/ Te Rarawa)

Anei Toku pepeha mai I te taha o toku whaea, Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua me Kurahaupo ōku waka, Ko Te Ramaroa me Hinerake ōku maunga, Ko Whirinaki me Rotokakahi ōku awa, Ko Ngā Puhi me Te Rarawa ōku iwi, Ko Te Hikutu me Te Uri o Tai ōku Hapu, Ko Pa Te Aroha me Ohaki o Pawarenga ōku marae, Ko Kupe te tupuna, Ko Gerard Jull tōku ingoa

I currently work for Waiotahi Contractors Limited in the Bay of Plenty as the Senior Health and Safety Advisor. I have over 10 years of experience in Health and Safety working in managing events, agriculture, horticulture, civil construction, quarrying, transport, and the meat industry.

I am passionate about Health and Safety and am working hard to ensure this whakatauki is enacted.

“Me hoki ora pai koutou ki o koutou kainga ia ra”
“Every person to go home healthy and safe every day,”

Daniel Tuhora Bennett, Trustee (Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui, Ngāi Tahu)

Nga hau e wha, Nga iwi e tau nei, Tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Pirongia te maunga, Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Waikato te awa, Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi, Te Raurauiti o Haere toku marae, Ko Raniera Tuhora Bennett toku ingoa. E hara ahau i te tangata mōhio, ki te korero otira, e tika ana, kia mihi atu, kia mihi mai, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou katoa.

Daniel (Dan) and his wife Rebecca have five (5) Tamariki and (3) Mokopuna.

Dan has interests in a number of New Zealand based organisations, including Twenty-Four Seven Health and Safety Limited and Bennett Industries Limited t/a Comp Spec NZ. Dan has held several leadership, management and executive roles across the technology sector. Dan’s previous roles include technical & operations management, business leadership, and board advisories. He brings extensive building fire safety experience with his leadership role at Elite Fire Designs, supporting New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.. Dan has well over 25 years of experience in the IT industry starting at the forefront of service administration to systems, networks, architecture, consultancy, leadership and management.

Event Portfolio: Digital-Technology  |  Registration

Pene (Benjamin) Wahanui Hemi, Trustee (Ngāti Koata, Tainui)

Pene (Ngāti Koata, Tainui) is a father of four, papa to three and says one of his greatest successes, is that his wife of over 30 years, still loves him.

Professionally Pene has experience in managing events nationally and internationally, has worked for event venues, councils, and a circus. He has contracted privately and has played a major role in the planning and management of the 2006 World Waka Ama Sprint Champs and the 2014 Land War Commemorations. 

Over the past 6 years, Pene has been the Health and Safety Adviser for Tainui group holdings, supported Waikato Tainui with their major events and has served as a trustee for TRMA while also supporting his iwi as a former trustee for Ngati Koata.

Event Portfolio: Event Manager  |  Master of Ceremony