Te Rōpū Marutau o Aotearoa (TRMA) is a Charitable Trust

It was established to address sustained disproportionate injury rates and poor uptake of professional health and safety advice of our Māori workforce.

“Mā te rongo, ka mōhio,
Mā te mōhio, ka mārama.”

“From listening comes knowledge,
from knowledge comes understanding.”

“Mā te mārama, ka mātau,
Mā te mātau, ka ora.”

“From knowledge comes understanding,
from understanding comes wellbeing.”

Te Kaupapa Matua

"Te Rōpū Marutau o Aotearoa (TRMA) is dedicated to enhancing workplace health and safety for Māori workers across New Zealand. We address the lack of culturally competent health and safety initiatives by fostering a network of Māori health and safety professionals, collaborating with industry bodies, and influencing policies to significantly reduce injuries among Māori workers."

Ngā Whainga - Our Objectives

"Our objectives include establishing a sustainable National Association of Māori Health and Safety Professionals, reducing injury, illness, and fatality rates among Māori through effective regional and community engagement, and developing a culturally and technically competent workforce specifically trained to address the unique challenges faced by Māori workers."

Ngā Hua o Te Kaupapa - Outcomes and Benefits

"We aim to establish a nationally recognised association that leads to measurable reductions in workplace injuries and fatalities among Māori. Our efforts focus on creating a culturally competent health and safety workforce, increasing awareness of specific risks among New Zealand businesses, and improving collaboration between Māori organisations, industry bodies, and government agencies."

Te Mahi Ngātahi - Collaboration and Networking

"TRMA provides a vital platform for Māori health and safety professionals to network, collaborate, and exchange best practices. We work closely with industry bodies, educational institutions, and sector-specific organisations like HASANZ and WorkSafe NZ, creating partnerships that amplify our impact and enhance health and safety practices across industries."

Te Kōkiri me Te Whakaatanga - Advocacy and Representation

"As a robust advocate for the rights and well-being of Māori workers, TRMA actively engages with policymakers, industry leaders, and employers to ensure Māori perspectives are integrated into health and safety policies. We represent Māori interests at various forums and conferences, promoting awareness and fostering positive changes in workplace safety."

Te Ahunga Mata Kōkiri – Tailored Initiatives for Māori Workers

"We develop targeted programs and initiatives that address the specific health and safety needs of Māori workers. These include culturally relevant safety campaigns, mental health support, and injury prevention strategies, all designed to resonate within Māori communities and provide context-sensitive solutions."

Te Ūara o Te Kaupapa - Vision & Mission

"Our vision encompasses advancing health and safety awareness and training nationally, fostering engagement across public and private sectors, and developing comprehensive resources in collaboration with government and cultural organisations. TRMA is committed to building lasting relationships and ensuring a safe and inclusive working environment for all."

Ngā Tahua Tautoko - Support and Partnerships

"Supported by a network of charitable trusts, industry associations, and educational organisations, TRMA leverages these relationships to enhance our outreach and effectiveness in high-risk industries. Our partners include ACC, WorkSafe, HASANZ, and numerous iwi organisations, all united in improving health and safety outcomes for Māori workers."