Our Trustees

In early 2018, a group of Māori health and safety professionals informally met to consider establishing an organisation to help Māori in the workplace. The Rōpū was officially called Te Rōpū Marutau o Aotearoa (TRMA).

Wayne Kohi, Trustee Chairperson (Whakatōhea)

Ko Tarakeha te maunga, Ko Opepe te awa, Ko Opape te marae, Ko Ngai Tamahaua te hapū, Ko Whakatohea te Iwi Ka Wayne Kohi ahau

Kia tau te aroha noa o to tatau Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti ki o koutou wairua.

Wayne is married to Linda and together they have four tamariki and live in Tauranga. His Health and Safety experience extends 30 years in areas of management systems, machine safety, transport and asbestos.

He’s passionate about the Kaupapa to reduce the disproportionate injury stats of Maori in general and believes that Te Rōpu Marutau o Aotearoa can help to reduce these statistics by changing the way we measure and administer Health and Safety systems.

Encouraging whanaungatanga between Maori and Tangata Tiriti to unify our efforts plays a big role in the quality of our initiatives. Without this, restoration of trusting relationships will not be achieved.

Event Portfolio: TRMA Chairman  |  TRMA Introductions

Moira Loach, Trustee (Ngāti Awa)

Ko Putauaki toku maunga, Ko Rangitaiki toko awa, Ko Mātaatua toku waka, Ko Ngati Awa toku iwi, Ko Ngai Tamawera toku hapu, Ko Uiraroa toku marae​, Ko Moira Loach taku ingoa.​

Moira is the Health and Safety Adviser at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Moira has been in the health and safety sector for 11 years including in Australian coal mines and as a WorkSafe NZ Senior Inspector.

Moira’s work has included advising Maori Trusts, farming,  horticulture, construction and manufacturing businesses, schools and Marae.  ​

Event Portfolio: Te Takenga Mai

Mel Brown, Trustee (Ngāti Maniapoto)

Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Maniapoto te iwi, Ngāti Urunumia te Hapu, Kakepuku te Maunga, Pūniu te Awa, Ko Te kotahitanga rāua ko Mangarama ōku papakainga, Ko Mel taku ingoa.

Mel Brown has over 20yrs experience as an Official Assessor in the meat industry. He is also a frontline HSR for over 15 years and has been serving as the national H&S delegate for 5 years. He currently holds the position of Shift Supervisor for AsureQuality – Kaitiaki Kai. Mel is a respected and dedicated sector mangai (representative) who serves on both the State Sector and TRONTA committees for the PSA Union – Te Pukenga Here Tikanga Mahi.

Mel’s passion is to share his experience and enhance worker engagement and representation. In addition, he is an executive member of TRMA Te Rōpū Marutau Aotearoa (The Maori Health and Safety Association of NZ). Mel’s outstanding contributions to workplace health and safety were recognized when he was selected as a finalist in the HSR of the Year category at the New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Awards in 2019.

Event Portfolio: Kaitiaki Liaison  |  Support Personnel

Jodhi Warwick-Ponga, Trustee (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Tākitimu taku waka, ko Aorangi taku maunga, ko Ruamahanga taku awa, ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa taku iwi, ko Ngāti Hinewaka taku hapū, ko Tuhirangi taku marae, ko Piripi Te Maari tōku tūpuna.

Jodhi is a dedicated, energetic and innovative Senior Manager who has significant experience in the private and voluntary sectors. An enthusiastic and flexible individual with a passion for people development combined with the ability to adapt easily. Can build and develop strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation and within the community.

A dedicated individual, recognised as a respected team player who brings a positive energy and a positive attitude both personally and professionally.

Event Portfolio: Advertising-Marketing  |  Media Liaison

Gerard Jull, Trustee (Ngā Puhi/ Te Rarawa)

Anei Toku pepeha mai I te taha o toku whaea, Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua me Kurahaupo ōku waka, Ko Te Ramaroa me Hinerake ōku maunga, Ko Whirinaki me Rotokakahi ōku awa, Ko Ngā Puhi me Te Rarawa ōku iwi, Ko Te Hikutu me Te Uri o Tai ōku Hapu, Ko Pa Te Aroha me Ohaki o Pawarenga ōku marae, Ko Kupe te tupuna, Ko Gerard Jull tōku ingoa

I currently work for Waiotahi Contractors Limited in the Bay of Plenty as the Senior Health and Safety Advisor. I have over 10 years of experience in Health and Safety working in managing events, agriculture, horticulture, civil construction, quarrying, transport, and the meat industry.

I am passionate about Health and Safety and am working hard to ensure this whakatauki is enacted.

“Me hoki ora pai koutou ki o koutou kainga ia ra”
“Every person to go home healthy and safe every day,”

Daniel Tuhora Bennett, Trustee (Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui, Ngāi Tahu)

Nga hau e wha, Nga iwi e tau nei, Tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Pirongia te maunga, Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Waikato te awa, Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi, Te Raurauiti o Haere toku marae, Ko Raniera Tuhora Bennett toku ingoa. E hara ahau i te tangata mōhio, ki te korero otira, e tika ana, kia mihi atu, kia mihi mai, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou katoa.

Daniel (Dan) and his wife Rebecca have five (5) Tamariki and (3) Mokopuna.

Dan has interests in a number of New Zealand based organisations, including Twenty-Four Seven Health and Safety Limited and Bennett Industries Limited t/a Comp Spec NZ. Dan has held several leadership, management and executive roles across the technology sector. Dan’s previous roles include technical & operations management, business leadership, and board advisories. He brings extensive building fire safety experience with his leadership role at Elite Fire Designs, supporting New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.. Dan has well over 25 years of experience in the IT industry starting at the forefront of service administration to systems, networks, architecture, consultancy, leadership and management.

Event Portfolio: Digital-Technology  |  Registration

Pene (Benjamin) Wahanui Hemi, Trustee (Ngāti Koata, Tainui)

Pene (Ngāti Koata, Tainui) is a father of four, papa to three and says one of his greatest successes, is that his wife of over 30 years, still loves him.

Professionally Pene has experience in managing events nationally and internationally, has worked for event venues, councils, and a circus. He has contracted privately and has played a major role in the planning and management of the 2006 World Waka Ama Sprint Champs and the 2014 Land War Commemorations. 

Over the past 6 years, Pene has been the Health and Safety Adviser for Tainui group holdings, supported Waikato Tainui with their major events and has served as a trustee for TRMA while also supporting his iwi as a former trustee for Ngati Koata.

Event Portfolio: Event Manager  |  Master of Ceremony