Code of Conduct


Te Rōpū Marutau o Aotearoa (TRMA) Member Code of Conduct

As a member of Te Ropu Marutau o Aotearoa you represent a Professional Maori Health and Safety entity and charity. On becoming a member of TRMA, members agree to abide by its code of conduct.

  1. Kaitiakitanga – Responsibility

    1. Act responsibly and competently to improve health and safety.

    2. Prioritize the health, safety, and welfare of workers and other stakeholders.

    3. Ensure work carried out by others under their direction is performed competently, honestly, and with integrity.

    4. Avoid engaging in any illegal or unprofessional practices.

    5. Honour responsibilities to TRMA, their profession, employer, client, colleagues, and themselves.

    6. Avoid behaviour that could harm the reputation of TRMA and the profession.

    7. Comply with relevant legislation, including Fair Trading Act and Privacy Act.

    8. Co-operate and support TRMA and its activities.

    9. Preserve the confidentiality of information acquired through membership.

    10. Make informed decisions adhering to relevant laws, regulations, and recognized standards of practice.

  2. Ngākau nui me te pono – Integrity and honesty

    1. Perform work with integrity, honesty, and equity while adhering to legal principles.

    2. Provide advice, opinions, or statements in an honest, objective, impartial, and efficient manner.

    3. Consider the consequences of their advice.

  3. Ngā Wāhanga Whakapaukaha- Areas of competence

    1. Perform work within their areas of competence and acknowledge limitations.

    2. Only make public statements claiming professional knowledge if competent and consistent with TRMA Code of Conduct.

    3. Continuously develop professional competence and encourage others to do the same.

    4. Do not falsely represent professional qualifications.

  4. Ngā whakararuraru ture – Conflict of interest

    1. Identify and disclose real or perceived conflicts of interest to affected parties.

    2. Disclose significant financial or other interests that may influence impartiality.

    3. Use a professional approach in all business activities with other members.

    4. Avoid letting personal interests influence professional judgement and inform relevant parties of conflicts.

  5. Whakapaukaha i te Whakapaukaha Ture – External communication

    1. Do not comment on behalf of TRMA without written approval from Board to Trustees.

    2. Members are not responsible for acts of others, except in cases of dishonesty, negligence, or breach of duty.